HypnoBirthing Workshops - Birth Doula Support - Lactation Consultant Services
You are planning for a new baby.
Maybe your baby is already here! Either way, you deserve support and answers to your questions about pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding. I don't think anyone should go into their birth or breastfeeding journey without taking time to prepare their mind, body, and spirit for the tasks ahead. Each person, and even each birth and baby, is so unique and should not be compared to any other before or after. No matter if this is your first pregnancy, or your most recent, you deserve having someone you can turn to for physical and emotional comfort and support of your birth and breastfeeding preferences. I would be honored to support you in the ways that you need at your birth or on your breastfeeding journey! |
Connecting early during your pregnancy and receiving comprehensive prenatal education are pivotal steps in preparing for one of life’s most profound journeys—parenthood. As a childbirth dedicated to preparing you for birth, I believe in the immense value of starting your journey with knowledge, support, and a strong foundation of understanding how pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding work before your baby is born through prenatal education. |
Professional doula support on the day of your birth is a must for first time and repeat families alike! As a doula myself I definitely want to have a doula at my birth, even when birthing with a midwife. I support you both mentally and physically during your birth, offering your partner assistance, guidance, and relief as needed so that they can remain refreshed with more energy right along with you after being well cared for during your birth. |